Little Sparks of Light and Joy
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  Little Sparks of Light and Joy

Little Sparks of Light and Joy

Life can be very overwhelming at times.  This is especially true at the moment given all the challenges we are faced with.  By taking out attention to the little sparks of light and joy in life, we can often overcome the sense of overwhelm and... read more »

  Wesak Full Moon

Wesak Full Moon

Full Moon in Taurus – The Wesak Ceremony. The full moon in Taurus which occurs this year on 7th May is always a special event in the spiritual calendar. The Received Wisdom from the followers of esoteric traditions states that on this day, at the... read more »

  Easter Full Moon

Easter Full Moon

The full moon in Aries on 8th April 2020, is a very special one.  It is the Easter Moon and is one of the three great spiritual festivals of the year.  This has fundamentally, nothing to do with Christianity however, although the story of... read more »

  Gratitude and Blessings

Gratitude and Blessings

At this time of year, I feel quite introspective.  The dark days seem to focus my attention inwardly and I spend time pondering on my inner life and energy. Given too that it's the end of the year, I feel drawn to taking stock and,... read more »

  Hello and welcome!

Hello and welcome!

Thank you for visiting my new website. It has come into being thanks to a lot of help and support from a group of very talented and extremely kind and patient people.  Thank you to all at Access By Design in Chichester and Scan Station in Bognor Regis, for... read more »